Thanks to my time as an expat teacher in Qatar and Dubai, I have saved six figures, which I have used to purchase 2 beautiful properties (a 4-bedroomed house in my home country and a 3-bed apartment in Spain), start a profitable investment portfolio, complete my Masters, travel the world, and this year leave teaching and focus fulltime on my own career and financial empowerment coaching business.
Having been an expat teacher for the last 10 years in Qatar and Dubai, I’ve a hundred reasons why I recommend moving abroad to teach, but I believe that this is the most important one. Let me give you a clue…
It is important to understand that CVs for teaching jobs in Ireland are different to CVs for teaching jobs in Dubai and other popular locations, in terms of length, detail, content and structure.
I’ve been teaching abroad for over 10 years now (in Qatar and Dubai), and I can honestly say it’s been the best most empowering decision I’ve ever made. Sadly, not every expat teacher has the same experience, so here are five important factors to consider when you’re choosing a school abroad as an expat teacher…
It can be daunting too as you begin to think about some items you may need for starting off, especially if you haven’t seen your classroom yet.
It is so lovely to check in with you again! It has been such a crazy two months since I moved to Dubai to teach here. Every day I feel a little more settled!
We’re absolutely thrilled to be sharing details of this upcoming free information evening with SABIS®! Rahoo are delighted to have Rachel Nolan join us all the way from the UAE to share all we need to know about teaching in Dubai!
Flip flops at the ready!!
As you may know by now, I’ve recently announced that I am moving to teach in Dubai in the UAE this August. I had planned to begin my teaching journey in the UAE in September of last year, however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, things didn’t go to plan!