Case Study: “John”
What could you do if the following was happening in your classroom?
John is 10 years old. Has recently moved to the area on rural resettlement from Dublin. He started in your class in October. He is extremely disruptive in class, cannot sit still and constantly talking. He never has homework done and does very little of his work in class. He distracts those around him. He sulks if he is challenged and asked to do his work and refuses to try any of it then.
This is his fourth school since he started primary. You have no records from previous schools he has attended. You have not seen any written work from John to date and he has refuses to read in class when asked, will act out and act the class clown.
He will not sit still and is constantly fidgeting or moving. He is constantly out of his seat and will get up and wander around the classroom. He is very easily distracted, has a very poor attention span, he gets easily frustrated and gives up straight way when it comes to school work.
You have tried to contact home but haven’t had much interaction from Mam or Dad.
John is friendly towards others, loves to play soccer and is great at art and loves to entertain his classmates if it’s not classwork-related.

What behaviour have you identified to target?
What intervention might you use here?
This case study features in Rahoo Summer Course “Fostering Emotional Resilience & Harmony”, approved for 3-5 EPV Days.
For more Summer Course information and booking please click HERE.
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