CPD Pilot 2019 for DEIS Teachers
It can be a struggle for teachers to gather the energy after a busy school day to attend a workshop, meeting or other opportunity that will enhance their practice.
But we know continuous professional development (CPD) is hugely important.
Because a teacher is the most important person in the classroom.
OECD research from 2016 reports that, after socio-economic factors, teacher instruction and facilitation of learning, is the factor that has the greatest impact on student attainment. So what a teacher does every lesson, every day is at the core of student achievement.
However, as stated, the household that a child is born into has the greatest impact on student success. As teachers working in a DEIS school this is something you see the realities and consequences of every single day.
Pat Courtney, principal of St. Vincent’s Boys’ School, at a Joint Conference with the INTO and Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra in December 2015; highlighted that children who attend DEIS schools, often, have “heavy bags to carry”. In these bags, there can be a sense of hopelessness, anxiety, negative education experience of parents, poor housing and community environment, poverty and addiction.

Rahoo has recently received funding from the European Union Regional Fund and want to put it to good use with DEIS teachers, who work in challenging conditions, doing the best for their students.
We believe that if teachers are feeling confident and competent with what they are doing, then they will thrive inside the classroom (and outside too)!
We have launched a pilot initiative of two online courses for teachers in DEIS schools to avail of at a highly-subsidised investment:
1. Smarter, Planning for Teachers:
This 3-hour online CPD course is a module from our Department of Education Approved course which focuses on streamlining the planning process to make it effective and efficient. Over 200 teachers (both primary and post-primary) have undertaken this module and feedback from past participants has been overwhelmingly positive. Read testimonials HERE.
2. Assessment for Learning Accelerator:
This 2-hour online CPD course is a digitised version of our popular Assessment for Learning Bootcamp which was hosted at Education Centres nationwide with glowing reviews from past participants. This course focuses on the introduction of success criteria and learning intentions; questioning and progress
checking, under the Assessment for Learning umbrella. Read testimonials HERE.
Both courses are certified, which can be validated by principals for Croke Park hours.
Learn more and sign up HERE.
In the words of Mark Twain: “If teaching were as simple as telling, we’d all be a lot smarter than we are”.
Teaching is not easy – it can be challenging at the best of times. Rahoo believes in the transformative power of CPD and support for teachers to help them to be the best that they can be.
Because a teacher is the most important person in the classroom.

Please get in touch with us at rathuireland@gmail.com if you have any questions about the courses or any other aspect of our service!
Tag:CPD Pilot