The Diary of a Teacher
Valerie King, 3rd and 4th class teacher & owner of www.muinteoirvalerie.com.
My alarm goes off…
At 6:30 AM, time to walk Sonny!
I am responsible for getting Sonny walked, Lara to her child miner and myself to school!
My typical day consists of…
Prayers, homework corrections, maths, Irish, English, religion, SESE.
I am a creature of habit!
The best part of my job…
The children.
The most challenging part of my job…
The end of year rush, corrections and reports!
After work consists of…
Get home, play with Lara, walk Sonny again, put Lara to bed, relax and blog or watch Netflix!
My motto is…
Treat everyone as you like to be treated!

Short & Sweet!
Learn about Rahoo CPD Summer Courses approved for EPV Days HERE.