NQT FEST 9th January 2021 – The Line-Up & Schedule
- Categories Dear NQT, Events, Rahoo, Teacher Tips & Tricks
- Date December 8, 2020
NQT Fest is a specially designed online event for NQT's in January 2021.
** Please note that this event is now operating a waiting list. Please contact info@rahoo.ie **
2020 was a tough year to start your teaching profession – let’s get 2021 off to a great start!
We are delighted to share this unique offering with you!
NQT Fest is a specially designed online event for NQT’s.
This event aspires to inspire, motivate and share valuable insights to our newest teachers.
We explore topics such as:
- Teacher wellbeing
- Nurturing empathy and using restorative practice in the classroom
- Child-Centred Learning
- Embedding formative assessment in your practice.

We hear from experts in education and teachers who have walked the road before you and are willing to share their experience.
We take the time to reflect on how far we have come and we set goals for the year ahead.
Join us for a morning of positivity and support in a virtual space full of like-minded teachers who are cheering each other on!
Expert Speaker
Channelling our Inner Giraffe!
In this workshop we will outline the restorative philosophy and its focus on relational practices that promote empathy and connection in our classrooms and beyond!
Michelle is a restorative practitioner, trainer, researcher and consultant. She facilitates continuing professional development courses for teachers in Education Centres throughout the country. She supports organisations and schools eager to realise their potential individually and as a community.

Expert Speaker

Child-Centred Learning: Taking the Perspective of the Child
Lorraine is a Health Psychology trainer, consultant and researcher, currently completing her doctorate in London Metropolitan University. She is also the co-author of #100happydays4kids, a book for parents and teachers focused on 100 research-backed activities with massive benefits for the emotional, social and physical development of children of all ages and abilities. In Lorraine’s workshops and online courses, the message is clear: we need to see, hear and relate to the Child – first and foremost. Only then can true learning begin!
Rahoo Chat with Nadine & Niamh Cullen, Principal of Harcourt Terrace Educate Together NS

Niamh Cullen is principal of Harcourt Terrace Educate Together National School since it opened in 2018 and has worked in Educate Together since 2005.
Niamh has also worked with newly qualified teachers for many years. She trained as a mentor with the National Induction Programme for Teachers in 2007 and has mentored teachers in all school settings and classes. Niamh is an Associate with NIPT and facilitates induction workshops, Cluster Meetings and PST Training.
Between 2015 and 2017, Niamh was seconded to the Teaching Council. Here, she was directly involved in the development of the current Droichead Policy.
Niamh is passionate about supporting NQTs as they transition from college to school.
Expert Speaker
Fill Your Own Cup!
Fiona holds an M. Sc. in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of East London.
Fiona is the co-author of Weaving Well-Being, a primary school programme which is now in use in the majority of Irish primary schools.
Teaching is a career like no other, with so much reward and fulfilment, yet it’s also very demanding and challenging. Looking after our well-being has to be a priority, as the saying goes, self-care is not selfish, you can’t pour from an empty cup! The earlier in our careers we learn this, the better!

Keynote Speaker

How to Assess Your Students in the Classroom!
Dylan Wiliam is Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment at University College London. He has taught in urban public schools, directed a large-scale testing program, served a number of roles in university administration, including Dean of a School of Education.
Over the last 15 years, his academic work has focused on the use of assessment to support learning. He now works with teachers all over the world on developing formative assessment practices. Dylan will discuss Classroom Strategies and Techniques of Formative Assessment for NQT’s.
Rahoo Panel with Adam Barrett, Nadine Lyons & Aimee Flynn
We have two teachers, Adam and Nadine, on their second year (whose NQT year memories are fresh in their heads!) and we have Aimee who is in her tenth-year of teaching and supports NQT’s regularly at school as part of the PST. Here’s a little bit more about them!
Adam Barrett
“I’m 24 years old and from County Kerry! I am a primary school teacher who qualified from Mary Immaculate College in 2019. I subbed for the first half of my NQT year subbing before securing a maternity contract covering SET from January to June, where I completed the Droichead process. This year I moved to Cork where I was subbing until Halloween, when I secured a contract as a Senior Infants SET until the end of the 2020/21 year. I set up Mister Múinteoir in 2019 at the beginning of my NQT year and haven’t looked back since! I have almost 5,000 followers and I love sharing advice, resources and tips with them”!
Nadine Lyons
“I run the Instagram platform ‘Múinteoir N’ to help teachers, particularly student teachers and Newly Qualified Teachers as they embark on their teaching career. I graduated from the Professional Masters in Education (PME) from DCU, St. Patrick’s Campus with a first-class honours from the PME, in which I also received the Vere Foster award from the INTO for achieving the highest marks in teaching practice and curriculum areas of education over the two year programme”.
Aimee Flynn
Aimee Flynn also known as ‘Aistear in Action‘ will be joining us for our panel discussion. This is her tenth-year teaching. She has taught in learning support and a multitude of class groups. She has studied Early Childhood Education. She has worked in a community crèche and as a S.N.A. She achieved her H.Dip in Education in Froebel and in 2018, she finished my MA. in Early Childhood in M.I.E. As well as her clear passion for working with children, Aimee is also part of the PST at her school and enjoys supporting teachers starting out in the profession. We are delighted to have her insight at NQT Fest!
We are beyond excited about this LIVE event on Saturday 9th January 10am - 2pm.
- Online Conference – accessible from your home – all you need is a cuppa, notebook, pen and a smile!
- Certified for Croke Park hours & CPD Record
- Expert Speakers on Child-Centred Learning, Restorative Practice, Teacher Wellbeing & Assessment
- Teacher Panel share experience & advice
- Q & A / Discussion Opportunities
** Please note that this event is subject to changes. **
Tag:nqt, Supporting teachers, Teacher
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